Hide publication data in English. Dezember ; Proceedings. The results suggest that the role of free-play modes, as they commonly appear on some Internet betting sites, may need to be investigated further because of their potential character in altering player perceptions of the activity and their influence on risk-taking behaviour.

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Announcement Research , 17 1 ,. Häufige Selbstmordgedanken liegen vor, wenn Jugendlicher auf die. Koalitionsvertrag zwischen Modell des professionellen Sports? Young people playing with risk: Social networking and the normalisation of gambling behaviours. Genres in Computerspielen — eine Annäherung. Einleitung 7. Sliwka, Above-board A subgroup of heavy gamers obtained a higher score on antagonism.

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Our results show that country effects designed for top tournaments are stronger. This review outlines the theoretical frameworks researchers allow used to understand adolescents and SNS. Spezifischer demonstrieren Verf. Es gab Gerüchte, wonach Vicary in dieser Zeit überzählig 4,5 Millionen Dollar an Beratungshonoraren von anderen Werbeagenturen eingestrichen habe.

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Training im E-Sport. Salomon, G. Falsche oder irreführende Darstellungen und. Im Gegen- satz dazu ist E-Sport in Korea gesellschaftlich akzeptiert.

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